In the opening paragraph, make it clear that you are retiring. This article will address how to write a retirement letter of resignation and provide an example that you can use as a template for your own retirement letter.In this article, we discuss how to write a retirement letter and we provide an example letter to help you draft your own. In this letter, I would like to inform you that I am retiring from ABC agency as a marketing consultant, effective March 17. Use this resignation letter sample as a model to advise your employer that you are resigning because you are leaving the workforce. A resignation letter should be short and to the point. Simply explain why you're leaving and the date of your departure. Your retirement resignation letter should begin with a header that states the contact information of the sender and addressee as well as the date. Any such approved resignation would be considered and reported (for example, to the GA Peace Officer Standards and Training. The first section of your resignation letter should be direct and to the point.