Be direct and to the point and, in the first sentence, acknowledge the receipt of their letter of resignation and formally accept it. Please feel free to reach out to me if you require any assistance.No advance notice of termination or resignation is required. Include the position title and the last day you intend to work. Download this free acceptance of resignation letter with an early release template in Word format. The best way to resign would be to type a letter, print it, then sign it and deliver it to the appropriate person. I will go over a step-by-step resignation template letter you can use, how to structure it and provide examples of resignation letters. Under the Texas Education Code, contract employees are required to resign no later than 45 days before the first day of instruction for the school year. I wish to inform you that your resignation has been accepted. The customary procedure when you decide to quit a professional job is to give your boss two weeks' notice of your departure.