It acknowledges the employee has a balance of unused annual leave that will be paid out. Email them your resignation letter complete with your leaving date dependent on your notice peroid and then stop working for them the day after.As of the resignation acceptance date, the employee has an annual leave balance of which will be paid out with their final salary. My boss used to say to me "I will terminate you " most often, but if I gave the resignation letter he will never accept it. Sample emails and letters to accept an employee's resignation, explain company resignation policies, and confirm the last day of work. Full-time employees do not accrue annual leave when: An 80-hour increment of unpaid leave is reached in the current pay period. Agreement shall be recorded in a leave category to be known as Holiday Leave. If you want to leave your job you will have to give notice of resignation to your employer. Richard Henry Pratt forwards M. Burgess' request for an 11-day annual leave of absence. We offer support and advice to all our colleagues at all stages of their employment with King's – beginning with your recruitment and arrival at the university.