You want to give at least a two weeks' notice. It's generally best to write in a block format, without indenting.You must give appropriate notice (in most places it is 2 weeks, but in some companies it may be a month), and then you're done. In this article, we cover everything you need to know about writing a resignation letter without notice and provide an example to get you started. When you write a letter of resignation, you have quit. Offering to stay two weeks is the standard in an effort to help transition the work etc. Learn how to write a professional resignation acceptance letter with our helpful guide. As COO, Sanderson will be "responsible for program strategy and leadership in a statewide capacity," the press release stated. Advertisement. He was concurrently Duke and Prince-elector of Hanover in the Holy Roman Empire before becoming King of Hanover on 12 October 1814. Yazell began in the role in November 2017 when Former Mayor Jim Langfelder appointed her.