To resign from your position, complete and submit a resignation letter to your supervisor at least two weeks, or as soon as possible, before your last day. Below is a reference list of printable, commonly used forms: FM-6020 Letter of Resignation, FM-7286 Conditions and Provisions of the Retirement Process.This article will address how to write a retirement letter of resignation and provide an example that you can use as a template for your own retirement letter. All forms are listed individually in alphabetical order in the following table. A properly completed Application for Service Retirement and the DROP, Form DP-11. If you have any questions about the HIS, call the Division at 1-844-377-1888, or write to the. Give your employer at least two weeks' notice. Employees with a long tenure at the company typically give a month's notice or more. Implement resignation from Miami - Dade. 3720County Public Schools (resignation letter. 3725attached);. 37264.