The appointing authority, or their designee, should provide written confirmation of receipt and acceptance of the employee's verbal or written. As of the resignation acceptance date, the employee has an annual leave balance of <xxx (x) days> which will be paid out with their final salary.When you write a letter of resignation, you have quit. While there are no specific NC labor laws on vacation pay after quitting, you may be entitled to your unused vacation pay, even if you quit. "Promised wages" can be an hourly rate that is more than the minimum wage, overtime pay for certain days worked rather than the statutory requirement. These details and the necessary forms are available with a benefits counselor in The Division of Human Resources, 336-285-3789. By crafting a resignation letter that reflects your gratitude, professionalism, and commitment to patient care, you can leave knowing that you left with grace. One that is often overlooked is having to deal with an employee leaving the company. Employees leave for various reasons. In the next paragraph, state the date when the employment will officially end.