I regret to inform you that I will be terminating my employment as a police officer with the 1st Precinct. My last day will be February 1, 2017.I will be leaving my current local law enforcement job for another sworn position with the state. Template no 1- Dear Chief, I am writing to inform you of my resignation from the police force, effective immediately. You write a letter to the Sheriff or chief of police stating your intentions to resign and send it through the chain of command. Here, we provide tips, templates, and sample formats to craft a polished Resignation Letter that effectively communicates your intentions. If resigned as Chief on my own it would keep me from getting fired or charges against me. He said all of council agreed and felt that way. After _____ years of serving my Department, I believe it is time for me to pursue new opportunities and challenges in my career. Attached is a report from the Police Department on warning tickets given out in June.