"All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. Let us take a Continental view of Wilde in his first period, the view of a really eminent man, a distinguished scientist and man of letters.Oscar Wilde, letter to Walt Whitman: Tennyson's rank is too well fixed and we love him too much. How difficult it is, only the few persons who have had a really foul and abominable slander put up against them can know. A Page from an Oscar Wilde Letter to Walt Whitman, 288. The last few weeks I've been focused on reviving the Goldbergs on the pedal harp as I'm set to play them for in mid-December in New York and West Palm Beach. The following text samples primarily serve to exemplify the level of complexity and quality that the. By Louis BECKE, Author of " By Reef and. Palm. Started collecting rare books in the late 1950s, when I was beginning law school at the University of San Francisco. A Page from an Oscar Wilde Letter to Walt Whitman, 288.