This article will address how to write a retirement letter of resignation and provide an example that you can use as a template for your own retirement letter. A letter of resignation should be submitted at least two weeks prior to termination of employment.In this article, we discuss how to write a retirement letter and we provide an example letter to help you draft your own. Use this resignation letter sample as a model to advise your employer that you are resigning because you are leaving the workforce. In the opening paragraph, make it clear that you are retiring. Your retirement resignation letter should begin with a header that states the contact information of the sender and addressee as well as the date. They replace Arnaz Kotwal and Freddy Talati. This induction is to ensure local involvement in the institute's revamping. Providers will complete the timesheets based on the authorized hours they provided care to the IHSS recipient. Should fill out a petition found at the back of the room and turn it in to the clerk.