Please accept my resignation from my position as a secondgrade teacher at Anytown Elementary. My last day will be March 5, 2022.Under the Texas Education Code, contract employees are required to resign no later than 45 days before the first day of instruction for the school year. Fill out the form on this page to get a free editable Google Docs template with sample teacher resignation letters to help you compose your own. Teacher: should I write a resignation letter my principal asked me instead of letting my contract not renew? But in our state you have to actually sign it to so you need to attach a letter that you've signed. In-Person: Employees may visit 141 Lavaca Street to submit their retirement or resignation from the district. Inform them that you will be resigning, state the position that you are resigning from, and indicate what your last day of work will be. Reasons for resignation include pursuing further education, unfavorable schedules, workload, and inability to effectively teach assigned subjects. It is a notice of resignation typically used in educational institutions.