Resigning from the County of San Bernardino. Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as a Talent Acquisition Specialist at ABC Company.Use their name and formal title, such as "Dear Mr. Smith" or "Dear Dr. Johnson. An employee wishing to leave in good standing shall file a written resignation with the appointing authority in the form of a Resignation Notice or a letter. A letter of resignation often secures a favorable letter of recommendation in the future, and it officially documents your departure. I would welcome the chance to discuss my leaving date with you and urge you to contact me as soon as you can. This article teaches you how to write a resignation email with the help of resignation letter email examples and our resignation email template. EVWD is located in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains, 65 miles east of Los Angeles in the. County of San Bernardino. GOVERNMENT. Anyone who wishes to speak during public comment or on a particular item will be requested to fill out a speaker slip.