Learn how to write a resignation letter (and what not to include) and then use our example letters as a guide. Dear Mr. Lee: I am writing to formally notify you of my resignation from my position at PQR.Explain why you're leaving. Briefly explain the reasons you've decided to leave, both related to your current job and to your new position. Ensure the most current form has been submitted. An employee wishing to leave in good standing shall file a written resignation with the appointing authority in the form of a Resignation Notice or a letter. In California, employees who voluntarily leave their employment may be eligible for unemployment benefits if they can prove they quit for a good cause. An employee wishing to leave in good standing shall file a written resignation with the appointing authority in the form of a Resignation Notice or a letter. In California, employees who voluntarily leave their employment may be eligible for unemployment benefits if they can prove they quit for a good cause. Human Resources - Classified is committed to providing outstanding customer service in the hiring, training, and retention of the most qualified employees.