Make a short and simple letter to the point with absolutely no embellishment, no matter how you feel. This article will cover some pointers for writing a flawless resignation letter for graduate studies."The letter should be a factual statement of departure, without emotion, anger, threats, or reasons for leaving," Caprino says. Add contact details, company name, and date. This article will cover some pointers for writing a flawless resignation letter for graduate studies. Due to my personal aspirations of higher studies it would not be feasible for me to stay in the company anymore. Donna Katafias, Woodmore Middle School's gifted education teacher, has been nominated for the 202425 LifeChanger of the Year award. He resigned from the U.S. Army in 1856 to become a sugar plantation owner in Louisiana. HEB ISD Home - Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District.