The standard here in Texas, an "at will" employment state, is to give two weeks notice. It is an automatic resignation for an officeholder to announce his or her candidacy or to file for a public office other than the one currently held.Under the Texas Education Code, contract employees are required to resign no later than 45 days before the first day of instruction for the school year. A guardian of the estate or guardian of the person who wishes to resign the guardian's trust shall file a written application with the court clerk. Article 16, Section 65, of the Texas Constitution (often called the "resign-to-run" provision) applies to cities with council terms of more than two years. Sec. 14-150. - Written resignation to be requested with copy forwarded to director. Your employer does not have to "approve" your resignation. You are not enslaved or an indentured servant. Under the holdover provision of the Texas Constitution, a councilmember would remain in the position as a holdover until the vacancy is filled. TEX. In Texas, involuntarily terminated employees must be paid their final paycheck within 6 days.