We provide a free sample LLC first meeting minutes template here to memorialize the minutes of the first meeting of your LLC. The minutes in your LLC meeting should include the time, the place, and the date of the meeting, as well as a list of votes cast among members.The following information has been developed to answer your questions regarding formation of an LLC and to assist in the filing of the Articles of Organization. LLC minutes are very detailed notes taken during a meeting of the members (or owners) of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). A corporate kit usually contains a corporate seal, blank stock certificates and forms for the adoption of by-laws and recording the minutes of meetings. We provide an LLC annual meeting minutes template to help your business easily record the minutes of your LLC's annual meeting. Discover what should be included in your LLC meeting minutes to ensure compliance and proper record-keeping for your business. We'll provide an easy-to-use LLC meeting minutes template along with expert insights on how effective it is to document the minutes of the meeting. To fill out this form, you'll need to provide detailed information about the meeting. Included in the Build NYC file.