The member must file a copy of the certificate of completion with the public body. • New members must complete within 90 days.On January 1, 2010, key changes to the Open Meetings. Act took effect to provide Illinois residents with a more open and accountable government. The OMA declares that it is the intent of the Act that public bodies take action (vote) in open meetings, and that public bodies deliberate openly. Illinois law allows some exceptions for school boards to hold closed meetings as stipulated under the Illinois Open Meetings Act. At any open meeting of a public body for which proper notice has been given, the body may, without additional notice, hold a closed meeting. On January 1, 2010, key changes to the Open Meetings Act took effect to provide Illinois residents with a more open and accountable government. Court looked to the meaning of Section 2(e) of OMA which provides that: No final action may be taken at a closed meeting. The forms should be downloaded to your computer before filling in the fields.