Committee Members in Attendance: • Irene Hegedus (IH), Zoning Administrator, City of Miami. Florida Free Corporate Minutes Template.Corporate minutes for single shareholder are the written record of all decisions or actions that are taken during a meeting of a corporation's shareholders. Commissioner Heyman questioned what steps were being taken to reduce healthcare costs; to reach out to the insurance industry and assess. Here, you'll discover everything you need to know about board meeting minutes and how to take them with examples and a meeting minutes template. Meeting minutes can be written in many ways, and there are several formats that can be used when preparing meeting minutes. Follow our step-by-step guide. Explore our comprehensive guide to corporate meeting minutes, including easy-to-use templates for legal compliance and efficient meeting documentation. Keeping track of meeting minutes can be more precise when you don't have to worry about layout. Cases filed in the civil division of the Clerk's Office fall either under the jurisdiction of County Court or Circuit Court.