Notice of Federal Tax Lien, enter your name (include any name changes), current address, daytime phone number and fax number. Publication 783 (Rev.You can deduct a part of your medical and dental expenses, and amounts you paid for certain taxes, interest, contributions, and other expenses. Reminder: To claim a tax credit (with the exception of the household credit and NYC school tax credit) you must complete and submit the appropriate credit form. Make a false statement to or withhold information from the Department of Labor. 5. IRS Releases Publication 783 (2022), Instructions on How to Apply for Certificate of Discharge from Federal Tax Lien. DEC. Modification of support: "any final order for the periodic payment of permanent alimony or support, an order for alimony or support pendente lite or. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is issuing this final rule and interpretive guidance to implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. For the Federal courts to function effectively, judicial vacancies in those courts must be filled in a timely manner with well-qualified candidates. What follows is a general guide to Ohio's open-government laws – the 2024 Sunshine Laws Manual.