The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Chicago can legalize documents which are originally done in the Consulate's Jurisdiction only. Fill out the form, attach copies of any supporting documents, and pay any fee required.The clerk will set a hearing date. 700 N. Rush Street, Chicago, IL 60611 Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9.00 am - 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm (except official holidays) The following forms are being provided as a courtesy of the DuPage County Recorder's Office for use in DuPage County, Illinois. DSHS forms are available for electronic completion in different software; however, all DSHS forms below are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF files. This petition is based on the following: A certificate is attached. I request that this court provide for an examination of the above-named individual. Management, you can fill out a request form at QuartzBenefits. Edits made to the CHHS DDG V1.0 to reflect previously agreed to departmental processes as documented in the Public Aggregate Reporting -.