Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg County Re-Entry Services facilitates seamless transition of participants back into the community, while promoting employment stability.Discharge Certificate Form. Documents that must show previous active federal service for something other than training, or a minimum of 20 years total service (for pay) Looking for local rules and forms? We've broken down the 12 documents you'll need to complete your CMPD Background Packet and included tips on how to get them below. The A1 form is required for each permit application. Mecklenburg County Air Quality (MCAQ) Form A1 contains general information on the facility being permitted. An expunction is a legal process to remove a criminal conviction or a criminal charge from a person's record and to seal or destroy the state's records. NATIONAL MARITIME CENTER. Ă—. CG-719B.