This certificate is for Michigan income tax withholding purposes only. Read instructions on page 2 before completing this form.The records of arrest and discharge or dismissal in this case shall be retained as a nonpublic record according to law. 5. If you are filling out this form to request Michigan Air National Guard Archive Records, please follow the instructions for step three above. (1) Before a teaching certificate is valid in this state, the holder shall record the certificate in the office of the intermediate superintendent. Honorably Discharged Veteran: A copy of Release of Discharge from Active-Duty form indicating honorable discharge (DD-214). Personnel records of military members who were discharged, retired, or died in service less than 62 years ago and STR's are in the legal custody of the military. To receive medical records, you must complete and submit the DMC Authorization to Release Medical Information. The person shall make a final return within 15 days after the date of selling or quitting the business. You may include more pages if you need more space.