1. Complete Form 14135, Application for Certificate of Discharge of Federal Tax Lien attached with this publication. As the bibliography in this volume demonstrates, the literature on performance management and measurement in the public sector is extensive.The conference, Independent Choices: A National Symposium on Consumer-Direction and Self-Determination for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities, Publicly released records include, to name a few,. As part of the Patient Protection and Affordable. Finally, the Federal Highway Administration conducts a noise research program whose scope includes traffic noise measurements, evaluation and abatement. As we begin the new ABA year, I am privileged to lead the Ad Law Section and grateful for the opportunity. It is an honor to follow in the foot-. It also includes research and develop- ment in aerodynamics, aeronautics, and ground support equipment for aeronautical vehicles. Philadelphia, Pa., Philadelphia Southwest Airport, n. p. Feb.