1. Complete Form 14135, Application for Certificate of Discharge of Federal Tax Lien attached with this publication. (Publication 783 has additional descriptions of the Internal Revenue Code sections listed below.) 6325(b)(1).Refer to IRS Publication 783 for detailed instructions on completing this form. Certified copies of federal and California state tax liens and lien releases recorded in Sacramento County are available through our office. Publication 783 provides the instructions for completing form 14135. You will need to describe the property, its appraised value, and other information. We'll be going over IRS Form 14135 application for certificate of discharge of a property from a federal tax claim. The rate of Government expenditures showed little further increase after the second quarter of the year, as parts of the war program were curtailed or for other. Publication as fair and accurate reporting, McDonald v. The Response to Comments Document, together with the preamble to the final Clean Water.