The arbitration system in Allegheny County provides for simple and concise pleadings and a trial of the issues enabling the parties to resolve claims. The rules of evidence shall be followed in all hearings before arbitrators.The Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County (Fifth Judicial District) consists of the following divisions:. A counselor at law in PA describes the process for compulsory arbitration in civil cases in Pennsylvania Courts. Pre-Trial Procedure for All Actions in the. Possible and may direct the parties to present the evidence in a certain order, or may split the proceedings into multiple parts and direct the parties in the. Federal Arbitration Act to enforce asserted valid arbitration agreements. Rules of Civil Procedure, but Amgen is not controlling in a. Allegheny asks the Court, pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1, et seq. Allegheny County is fortunate to have an Arbitration Division within its Civil Division.