Include the case number and arbitrator's name, as well as a preferred contact number in case the Clerk of Court's staff needs to follow up. 5. Find out how to get an arbitrator appointed and the appointment process.The Arizona case (Schoneberger v. Written contracts may contain an arbitration clause. By using such a clause, the parties agree to arbitrate any future disputes. To submit a case for arbitration, please click below to complete and submit our Arbitration Case Submission Form or contact us. By filing this document, I am giving the court notice that I am appealing the arbitration award, decision or final disposition. Supreme Court created a unique procedure to permit judicial review of trial court rulings compelling arbitration. Service is complete when the other party signs the green card. If you do not have a lawyer and are representing yourself in a case, use these simplified instructions to help you fill out the Military Affidavit form.