This Note explains the procedural steps and the grounds to vacate or modify an arbitral award under Texas the Texas. The court shall order the arbitration if it finds for the party that made the application.Generally, the narrow grounds to vacate, modify, or correct the award must be pursued quickly—i.e. Arbitral awards cannot be overturned merely because the arbitrators misunderstood or misapplied the law. To determine whether, and on what grounds, you can appeal an unfavorable arbitration award, the first step is to review the agreement that approved arbitration. This post discusses one such deadlinethe one to file a motion to vacate or modify the award. The short answer is that it depends on whether the enforcement action is in federal or state court and the state law governing the parties' agreement. Confirming Arbitration Awards: What Papers does a Party File to Apply for Confirmation of an Award? The Basics of Confirming, Vacating, Modifying and Correcting an Arbitration Award Under the Federal Arbitration Act and the Texas Arbitration Act. • In the private sector, arbitration awards are subject to appeal to the federal courts on very narrow grounds.