This Note explains the form and content of an application to vacate or modify an arbitration award under the Texas Arbitration. Act. Statutory Framework.A party must make such a motion no later than 3 months (FAA) or 90 days (TAA) after the date a copy of the award is delivered to the movant. A motion to vacate or modify an arbitration award must be made within 90 days of the delivery of the award. The FAA authorizes a party to an arbitration agreement to petition a federal court for various forms of relief. You must file the form in the United States district court that entered the judgment that you are challenging. The trial court also may not set aside an arbitration award for a mere mistake of fact or law. The Basics of Confirming, Vacating, Modifying and Correcting an Arbitration Award Under the Federal Arbitration Act and the Texas Arbitration Act.