All such motions and pleadings MUST be a part of the court file online. Any contested civil action filed in a circuit or county court may be referred to non-binding arbitration. §44.103(2).File the following documents according to Section IV "Filing a New Civil Case": •. Civil Cover Sheet (JS-44). •. The Harbert Court found the motion to vacate, and the subsequent appeal, was nothing more than a disguised allegation that the arbitrators had misinterpreted. Under the FAA and under many state counterparts to it, a motion to vacate an award must be brought within three months of the award being filed. Filing Date range searches must include Date From and Date To values in the proper format. Record searches are limited to the first 200 results. Motion to vacate or cross-motion to vacate. (3) A party to the arbitration proceeding must give notice of any objection to the motion within 10 days after receipt of the notice.