If the case is filed in the Circuit Civil division, you may contact the Court Registry Clerk at: (954) 831-5659. You must complete the Request for Arbitration form and send it, along with copies of all documents requested in the form, to the Office of the Attorney General.Upon the filing of a dismissal or withdrawal, the arbitrator shall enter an order closing the case file. At its discretion may require that only one arbitrator hear and determine the case, irrespective of the size of the claim involved in the dispute. The arbitration hearing shall be conducted within Broward County, Florida. 7. A petition for arbitration of a recall may be withdrawn at any time prior to the commencement of the scheduled final hearing. Admissible in any future arbitration case, without the written consent of the City. The Broward County Public Works Department is seeking qualified candidates for ENTERPRISE DIRECTOR OF CAPITAL PROJECTS - WATER AND WASTEWATER ENGINEERING. Employees who are offered this option and accept, shall waive their right to file a grievance through the process described in Article 6. Time for completing mediation shall be tolled during any periods where mediation is interrupted pending resolution of such a motion.