Drafting an enforceable arbitration agreement in California demands a nuanced understanding of both statespecific and federal laws. California law permits employers not to hire you if you refuse to sign an arbitration agreement.An arbitration agreement is where you waive your right to sue. For example, if your Statement of Claim contains four pages, number the pages as follows: "Page 1 of 4,". "Page 2 of 4," "Page 3 of 4" and "Page 4 of 4. A party may compel arbitration as long as they have a valid and enforceable written agreement to submit a dispute to arbitration. JAMS is providing this form as a sample only. Parties are reminded to check the terms of their arbitration contract or any applicable law. These guidelines are subject to the California Rules of Court, Title 3, Division 8, Chapter 2, and Rule 360,. Orange County Superior Court Rules. 2.