If an assigned arbitrator has a last-minute conflict and cannot attend the hearing, the arbitration staff will find an emergency replacement to hear the case. Dispute resolution clauses in contracts should be drafted to promote the negotiated resolution of disputes in a fair, timely, and costeffective manner.This fee is required before the Grievance Committee will review any arbitration request. ARTICLE 15 - REPLACEMENT OF AN ARBITRATOR. The pleadings in a case assigned to Mandatory Arbitration will define the issues to be decided at the hearing. When did the case start? The Request and Agreement to Arbitrate form assists members in filing for arbitration where they believe that they are the procuring cause. Either party involved in a workers' compensation dispute can appeal the IWCC panel decision through the Illinois court system. Perhaps claims that reach arbitration are, on average, weaker than cases that reach litigation, among other possibilities. Number of Arbitrators.