The arbitration concerned the role of historic rights and the source of maritime entitlements in the South China Sea. The arbitral tribunal ruled in favor of Philippines on virtually every substantive claim and on all of the major ones.Philippines summons China envoy over standoff, dares Beijing to seek arbitration. The Philippines approached the tribunal armed with an international team of agents and legal advocates specializing in the Law of the Sea. CRITICISM OF THE ARBITRAL AWARD: Critics contend that the award in the Philippines vs. The Philippines approached the tribunal armed with an international team of agents and legal advocates specializing in the Law of the Sea. Disputes on territorial sovereignty (e.g. DS631 China — Provisional Anti-dumping Duties on Brandy from the EU. Short title: China — Provisional AD Duties on Brandy (EU) Complainant: European Union Zoom makes using a Florida mediator on a West Coast case a lot more viable!