You must complete the Request for Arbitration form and send it, along with copies of all documents requested in the form, to the Office of the Attorney General. For example, if your Statement of Claim contains four pages, number the pages as follows: "Page 1 of 4,"."Page 2 of 4," "Page 3 of 4" and "Page 4 of 4. (1) A petition for arbitration of a recall may be withdrawn at any time prior to the commencement of the scheduled final hearing. Such withdrawal shall be. The reimbursement form is provided with the case materials when assigned, and a copy is included in this manual. Final Fees: If a case is settled or withdrawn prior to the first hearing taking place, all Final Fees paid will be refunded. In 1991, the Florida Legislature adopted a law requiring mandatory non-binding arbitration of certain types of disputes before filing the dispute in the courts. Opportunity to submit its proofs and complete its case. JAMS is providing this form as a sample only.