Below are a number of model arbitration clauses from various arbitral institutions that can be used to provide for arbitration in Atlanta. In this event, both you and the opposing party pay an arbitrator to help you come to an agreement.Case opinion for GA Court of Appeals WEB IV LLC v. Please select the appropriate ADR process to submit your case online. Filing your case with JAMS. We call this kind of waiver "conductbased," and a discussion in a recent Georgia Court of Appeals case, Milliken v. The AAA court- and time-tested rules and procedures that are the bedrock of any successful alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process. While you should consult with an attorney about specific provisions, here are some frequently asked questions about arbitration agreements. Arbitrators respect lawyers who can zealously advocate for their clients and work out procedural issues with opposing counsel. For example, it may be possible to resolve the debt collection lawsuit before going to court through an alternative form of dispute resolution.