Arbitration is similar to going to court, but faster, cheaper and less complex than litigation. If the case settles, an arbitration will last around one year.Parties are encouraged to file their requests for arbitration electronically, using ICC's digital case management platform ICC Case Connect. The ICSID Institution Rules explain how to institute an arbitration proceeding, including the form and content of the Request for arbitration. The parties file a written consent form that submits the case to binding arbitration. He has extensive experience of both English High Court and international arbitration proceedings under ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL and ad hoc rules. For the second contract, Matterhorn filled out and signed a standardform contract that did not include the arbitration provision. The circuit court denied Litz's motion to dismiss, but stayed the case pending arbitration as provided in the operative contract. Answer: As each Arbitration Case Filing is unique in its content, there is no standard complaint form available to be filled out. Please consult your own attorney regarding any sample clause before using in a contract.