Timothy Owens, Plaintiff, v. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 484.73, the Fourth Judicial District has authorized the establishment of a system of arbitration for civil cases.Case opinion for MN Supreme Court HENNEPIN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM INC v. This AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT, is entered into between the County of Hennepin, hereinafter. Other ways to solve legal problems are called "alternative dispute resolution" (ADR). The arbitrator conducts a day-long hearing at which both parties present their respective cases. In the opinion of some courts, some claims do not "rise to the dignity of a protectable constitutional right. Retention pay may also be paid to survivors in the case of death while the individual is an employee of the County. If you do not have this experience, type 'None' in the space provided. Stability pay may also be paid to survivors in the case of death while the individual is an employee of the EMPLOYER.