Does your organization have a vision and is ready to raise big money to make it a reality? You need a fundraising case statement.Tom Ahern is a world renown expert in donor communications and fundraising case statements. FEMA's Public Assistance Program provides supplemental grants to state, tribal, territorial, and local governments, and certain types of private nonprofits. Learn how to structure a nonprofit case statement - one that represents your work strongly, speaks to your audiences, and builds your cause. Harness provides consumers the ability to enroll their credit or debit card into various programs to facilitate donations to charities or other third parties. You should use the checklist below as a guide when preparing your application package to ensure that the application has met all of the screening criteria. Case records must all be complete and up to date. 4. "Because we handle so many international arbitration cases, we usually know what will resonate best with a particular arbitrator in a particular case. Tom Ahern is a world renown expert in donor communications and fundraising case statements.