Seamlessly file a case online with AAA using an online demand form, an arbitration agreement and the filing fee. To submit a case, you will log in to your JAMS Access account.If you do not have JAMS Access, please create an account. You must complete the "Claimant" and "Respondent" portions on the front of a Submission Agreement. In the blank spaces provided for the claimants' names, you. Find out how cases are assigned to the Arbitration calendar and what eligibility requirements are involved. I have just been informed that the new insurance plans the village is going with need to have members go onto the website and renew. Employers may still compel transportation workers to arbitration under applicable state law, even if they may not rely on the FAA. In a case where a defendant has filed bankruptcy, any party may move to have the matter set before the Supervising Arbitration judge for a stay.