Following are samples of arbitration clauses pertinent to international disputes. Use a sample Motion to Compel Abritration or let the SoloSuit's software draft a customized Motion to Compel Arbitration for you.For example, if your Statement of Claim contains four pages, number the pages as follows: "Page 1 of 4,". "Page 2 of 4," "Page 3 of 4" and "Page 4 of 4. The American Arbitration Association® ("AAA®," "the Association") applies the Consumer Arbitration Rules ("Rules") to arbitration clauses in agreements. To do so, you must file the attached Request for Fee Arbitration within 30 days from the receipt of this Notice, as set forth in the attached instructions. If a candidate is plainly disqualified — for example, if he or she is related to you or a family member — you should have the case manager replace that. First, a party may fail to make a demand for arbitration within the time limits spelled out in the text of the agreement itself. This guide covers some of the main points to be taken into account when drafting an arbitration clause at main contract stage. A. Interstate Commerce.