Ask the court to approve (confirm) or correct an arbitrator's decision (award) in an arbitration done under an agreement between the parties. The. CIACA does not outline procedures for judicial confirmation of arbitral awards.The decision to confirm an arbitration award proves to be beneficial in the event that the losing party fails to pay the award. In this presentation, we'll discuss how one party can achieve confirmation of an arbitrator's award at both the state and federal levels. Judge Milan Smith held that FRCP 5 governs service of a motion to confirm an arbitral award, but in doing so, created a circuit split on the question. The proper method for seeking to enforce an arbitration award under the Federal Act is to file a motion for confirmation in the appropriate court. Under both federal and California law, a court can confirm, vacate, or correct an award. (1) Time for filing the award. For the prevailing party, the question is where and how to attempt to turn the arbitration award into money. There are two avenues to challenge an arbitration award.