To initiate the Fee Arbitration Board (FAB) process, read the FAB Rules and then fill out the FAB Petition. As in most states, Massachusetts law allows parties to choose arbitration, rather than trial in the court system, to reach final resolution of their disputes.In order to begin the process, either party to a legal fee dispute may file a "Petition for Arbitration. These Mass Arbitration Procedures and Guidelines ("Procedures") are intended to facilitate the fair, expeditious and efficient resolution of Mass Arbitrations. The filing requirements for Mass Arbitrations are set out in MA-2 of the Mass Arbitration Supplementary Rules. 1. Agreement to Arbitrate 2. Forum and Selection of Arbitrators 3. In order to begin the arbitration process, you'll need to file a Request for Arbitration or Notice of Arbitration. Should the parties request to make oral argument, the arbitrator shall determine the order of proceeding. (7)Submission of Briefs.