Some civil cases go to arbitration instead of going to trial. An arbitrator will hear the case, consider evidence, and decide the outcome.Enter data in the Other Court Name field, and Other Court Number field only if you are filing a Notice of Removal (e.g. Our attorneys are experienced and respected in all fields of family law, with more than 60 years of combined experience. While you should consult with an attorney about specific provisions, here are some frequently asked questions about arbitration agreements. There are several resources available to help you file your appeal. The Build-a-Brief Creator is available for attorneys and self-represented litigants. Each Bidder shall complete the Equal Opportunity Report Statement that is included in the Bid Form. Prior to attending law school, Judge Troy served as a Lieutenant in the United States Army in Vietnam (awarded the Silver and Purple Heart). The net result may well be less accurate case resolutions and more judicial challenges to arbitral awards.