To file an appeal on an arbitration award, you must file a Notice of Appeal. You must file an original, and a copy.In making an award, Arbitrators shall specify in a concise statement, the amount of and basis for the award. The forms can be filled in on the computer. The arbitration of claims can take several different forms in Pennsylvania, but can be generally categorized as either compulsory judicial arbitration. Absent the filing of an intervening Arbitration Praecipe, the case will automati cally be placed in the Arbitration Inventory, for the schedul. To file a Motion to Compel Arbitration, draft a Petition with background facts, arbitration agreement details, and lawsuit parties. If you have a fee dispute with your lawyer, consider arbitration as an option. Debt collection arbitration is a private process outside of the court. Fill out the Online Claim Information Form; Remember to submit your payment and attach your prepared Statement of Claim.