This is a simple form, but the time to file it is very short. If you are late, you lose your right to appeal.If the parties agree to use the AAA to handle the appeal, the AAA will treat the appeal like a new case filing and more fees would have to be paid. The time to take an appeal, generally 30 days, begins to run upon service of the underlying order with notice of entry. Article 78 proceedings must generally be filed within four months of the date you receive the decision you want to appeal. The Appeal Procedure (Rule 8.2) establishes relatively narrow grounds for appeal beyond the statutory grounds under Section 10 of the Federal Arbitration Act. Service will be deemed effective five (5) calendar days after deposit in the U.S. Mail. You cannotat least in any meaningful sense of the word"appeal" an FAAgoverned arbitration award to a court. US federal law does not permit the appeal of an arbitral award. You must send an appeal application to DFS within 4 months from the date of the final adverse determination from your internal appeal with the health plan.