(f) The rules of evidence shall not apply in arbitration proceedings, except as to matters of privilege or immunities. To be eligible for court-ordered arbitration, a dispute must have been filed as a complaint in the North Carolina court system.Where the Federal Arbitration Act applies to the contract, the federal act supercedes conflicting state law even if the contract has a choice of law provision. (c) The court shall not order consolidation of the claims of a party to an arbitration agreement if the agreement prohibits consolidation. Arbitration in the Absence of a Party or Representative. Enjoining Arbitration in US Federal Courts: Agreement Must Fall. Under Federal Arbitration Act (6-574-8707). (c) The court shall not order consolidation of the claims of a party to an arbitration agreement if the agreement prohibits consolidation. The. North Carolina Bar Association does not render any legal, accounting or professional services. Case law similarly confirms that the rules of evidence are not binding in arbitration.