If you wish to be included in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court appointed arbitrator list, please download and complete the Arbitrator Application. You must complete the Request for Arbitration form and send it, along with copies of all documents requested in the form, to the Office of the Attorney General.Advance written notice of the specific nature of the dispute;. 2. A demand for relief, and a reasonable opportunity to comply or to provide the relief; and. To initiate an arbitration, fill in the required details in the Demand for Arbitration ("Demand"). The Authority has created forms that are templates for filing exceptions to arbitration awards and oppositions to arbitration exceptions. 205 North Dixie Highway, Suite 6.2100. We have developed the following workflow to assist parties and attorneys in dictating steps and action plans throughout the arbitration proceedings. Telephone: (561) 355-2739. After completing the pertinent form, print and file it with the Office of Case Intake and Publication.