When a panel of arbitrators concludes a case, notification is given to the clerk in the. Assembly Room and another ready case is then assigned to that panel.The arbitration of claims can take several different forms in Pennsylvania, but can be generally categorized as either compulsory judicial arbitration. (2) When an appeal is filed from an arbitration award rendered pursuant to Philadelphia Civil Rule. You must complete the "Claimant" and "Respondent" portions on the front of a Submission Agreement. In the blank spaces provided for the claimants' names, you. The application must be filed with the Arbitration Center and contemporaneously delivered to the other parties in the same manner as the original filing. Included on this page are forms for filing civil complaints, private criminal complaints and notices of settlement when cases are privately resolved. Arbitration can be a viable dispute resolution technique in a wide variety of pension and welfare disputes. Included on this page are forms for filing civil complaints, private criminal complaints and notices of settlement when cases are privately resolved.