A party seeking to confirm an arbitration award in Pennsylvania state court must file a petition or motion to confirm (see Pennsylvania. (b) Confirmation of award.A sample petition that may be used to commence a lawsuit in federal district court to confirm a US or foreign arbitration award. Rule 1327 - Confirming Arbitration Award. Take a brief look at the FAA's requirements for confirming arbitration awards, as applicable in federal court for domestic awards not falling under Chapter Two. The first step in enforcing an arbitration award is to confirm it in a court with jurisdiction over the losing party or its assets. Any party may file as an original proceeding a motion to confirm an arbitration award if the arbitration award was entered pursuant to Rule 1327(1). Your application to confirm must be made within oneyear of the date on which the "award was made. A sample petition to confirm an arbitration award under the Pennsylvania Uniform Arbitration Act in a Pennsylvania court of common pleas. Confirming Arbitration Award.