Find out how to get an arbitrator appointed and the appointment process. Asp for case information.If there is a conflict, you must notify the issuing superior court in writing that you have a conflict and should not appear as the arbitrator. Civil lawsuits must be filed in the jurisdiction in which the damage occurred or in which the defendant lives or does business. Fee Waiver and Deferral. First, you need to provide contact information in the top left of the answer form. The court and plaintiff will mail important information to this address. File or Manage Case, International, Find an Arbitrator or Mediator, Education and Resources, Rules and Forms, Support, Discover Information, Connect with Us By signing the Submission Agreement, you are stating that you are one of the following: (1) the claimant; or. A person that brings a lawsuit in Arizona is required to fill out a form stating the type and estimated value of damages they seek.