• Click CHOOSE FILE and upload your document. Please note that each court might have their own preferred forms.Within 10 days after completing the hearing, the arbitrator must: (1) file a notice of decision with the court;. I am filing in opposition to the permanent adoption of FASTAR rules in Pima County. The rules governing discovery in the FASTAR Pilot Program conform to those enacted for Tier 1 cases filed in the superior courts. Protests are filed with the Procurement Director, Pima County Community College District (College), within ten. If there is a conflict, you must notify the issuing superior court in writing that you have a conflict and should not appear as the arbitrator. In these situations, the ICDR can proceed if the other side agrees. You may contact the other side(s) and jointly fill out a. Out-of-state waivers or deferrals will not be accepted.